Snail mail & this coat I fell in love with

Today it's been a weird day I must say. Good things came when I opened my mailbox, as usual! Haha~ I found three adorable letters! I loved them all, thanks so much girls!

One comes from Vanessa in Cali (USA)

The second comes from Jessica in Washington (USA) OMG I love the envelope, it's so cute, girly and flowerish :)

The third comes from Julia in Germany! I loved the floral envelope as well <3 We swapped recipes this time, and she wrote it in Spanish! Thanks a lot sweetheart! <3

And one special letter I wanted to show you too! It comes from Amy in Singapore! She's a 16 year-old student who wants to be an illustrator (as you can see! I just fell in love with her drawings, it's super duper cute). I didn't imagine I could meet someone with so many things in common! <3 She loves Japan, Haruki Murakami, sketching and photography as well! Hope I can get on well with her ^-^

I'll reply them straightaway! I can't wait for them to get their stuff back! About me, nothing! I've had headache today and I've been thinking of what kind of things could I write about in this brand new blog. I'd love to go for a walk with my baby Nikon, it's been a long time I don't take her out. Plus, fall is coming in Barcelona and I have a fwew spots in mind I'd love to go take shots to :) I'm considering meeting my friend Oscar soon for go take pictures, we did it not so long ago and it was nice. I love taking pictures of random people and food specially! I'd say there's always something new to discover in your city, no matter where you go. I really want to go shopping, I fell in love with this H&M coat for this winter and I need it sooooo bad  ;;_;;

Sigh, let's see what I can do! I have to keep studying for my Korean exam as well, as good as my Asian Thinking exam next Tuesday. Omg this is driving me crazy, it seems I'm too good at procastinating as well haha! c: (I shouldn't laugh about that but...)

Thanks for reading everyone <3 Seeing your visits and comments really make my day ^w^



  1. Que maques les cartes!! (^ω^)
    A l'H&M molts cops hi ha coses xules! Espero que et puguis comprar l'abric aviat ☆ミ

    1. Merci Sarah! <3 Siii vull l'abric tant com si neva com si plou, a veure si estalvio i en unes setmanes encara està~ Gràcies per passar-te ^_^

  2. Cute incoming you have! I like the paper your friend Vanessa used on her letter. And I agree with you about the photos: there's always something new to see, right?

    I'm following your blog too. o/

    1. Hah thanks for visiting back and for the follow, you're such a sweetheart :) Yeah I loved it too, I'll try to look for similar things next time I go buy stationery <3

  3. Holaa!
    Yo también, seguirte en el blog y no comentar... u///u
    Me han gustado mucho todas las entradas! ^^ Cuántas cosas bonitas que te envían! *-* Y seguro que tú también harás cosas muy monas~
    Debe alegrar mucho el día ver el buzón lleno de cartas!

    Y es muy bonito el abrigo~

    Que vaya bieeeng! (^^)/

    1. Hah no pasa nada Pati ^_^ Y siii, últimamente estoy empezando a hacer mis propios sobres y todo, la verdad es que pensaba que se me daría peor! Así ahorro dinero (^_^)V Gracias por pasarte guapa! <3


Ihwa Mural Village

Hello sweethearts! Recently many people have been told to stop with this blog hiatus of mine haha, so I'm back again with my blog posts...