City wanders in February

I decided to make a photography post this time. Yesterday I was so bored at home that I just picked my camera and I walked around the city with Lucas. We walked around the harbour when the sun was going down. I took really nice pictures though :)

CL <3


  1. It certainly does tell a story. I like the picture of the dog and also of the person sitting with his head down.

    1. Thanks so much for taking a look at them :) And that person his head down are actually two hah, they're a couple hugging each other! <3

  2. Que maques les fotos (^O^)
    I sobre l'entrada anterior, m'alegro que t'ho passessis bé! Jo tambe m'ho vaig passar bé (^ω^)
    Un altre dia podem tornar a quedar (^-^)

  3. Claudia, these pictures are incredible! My favorites are the boat ones and the post office, which by the way, you captured flawlessly. Kudos :D

  4. Qué bonitas todas las fotos! *_* me gusta que se capte la luz característica del atardecer hace que los edificios se vean incluso más bonitos~
    Qué suerte tener una buena cámara y dedicar tardes a sacar fotos tranquilamente, seguro que relaja ^-^

    Que pases un buen finde! <3


Ihwa Mural Village

Hello sweethearts! Recently many people have been told to stop with this blog hiatus of mine haha, so I'm back again with my blog posts...